As there has been
some confusion concerning my political stance the last few days, I thought it
prudent to clarify a few things. These are MY views and do not necessarily reflect the views of other family members, friends, colleagues, neighbors, pastors, teachers, military members or the ice cream man down the road. After this...I will shut up and attempt to steer clear of further politics about this election cycle!
First, I have no
great love for Donald Trump. I did not vote for him. I think he was a lousy
choice for POTUS, and I still think he is/was a pompous narcissist with some
nutty ideas. I don't know if he is a Christian as he claims...that's between
him and God. But he sure doesn't act like one. He's flipflopped on so many
issues over the years that it's hard to keep up. And the outright lies, mockery
and mischaracterizations about individuals is appalling. I blame the GOP for
not coming together early on to put forward a much better candidate to rally
behind. I think we had some decent choices. I pray that he does get some smart
people to advise him...and that he listens to them very closely before making a
knee jerk decision.
Second, I have no
great love for Hillary Clinton. I did not vote for her. I think she would have
been a lousy choice for POTUS, and I still think she is/was a politically
self-centered and motivated individual who enjoyed the spotlight and position
more than the country. I don't know if she is a Christian as she
claims...that's between her and God. But she sure doesn't act like it. She's
flipflopped on so many issues over the years that I need a hand brake to slow
down my spinning head. She's not sorry about the e-mail debacle...she's sorry
she got caught. She knew exactly what she was doing and what 'classified'
meant. Every person who has ever had a role in government service knows what
'classified' means because it's drilled into your head every year, and you sign
paperwork to acknowledge you know. Her role in Benghazi was a travesty of epic
proportions. And when it comes to demonizing a womanizer...well, she should
know. She lives with one.
Having said that, I understand why people voted for Trump over Hillary. Folks were tired of having liberal progressive ideas being crammed fist-first down their throats by the Obama administration and the DNC. Half the people in this country live in rural areas...not cities. What liberals see as progressive, positive change which brings us up out of the dark ages...much of the rest of the country sees as mind-numbing, negative destruction of the fabric of society as we know it. The majority of 'us' (including myself here) come from places with conservative values and strong patriotic beliefs. We believe in God, Country, Family, working hard for your apple pie and an expectation that charity is for those in need and not designed to be a way of life. We believe there is evil in the world and that putting lipstick on a pig doesn't change the fact that it's still a pig. There are bigots, racists and all other sorts of miscreants among us...but the vast majority of us are not like that and to put us in the same melting pot is just ignorant. For those who live in urban areas I'd recommend getting out of the city and find out more about your fellow Americans elsewhere.
I'm not an urbanite, so I'm not really qualified to describe who 'they' are. But this I do know. There are also liberal minded bigots, racists and all other sorts of miscreants among 'them'...but the vast majority of them are not like that and to put them in the same melting pot is just ignorant. I empathize with your devastation over your loss in the election. I felt the same way when I felt my country going down the tubes 8-years ago when Obama was elected. Much of what he promised to do, he actually did (or tried), and it's my belief our country is worse off for it. I'm sure he's a nice guy with a nice family, but I also believe he has single-handedly done more to destroy unity in our country than we have seen since the 1960's. I look forward to his exit, and wish him well in the next chapter of his life.
In conclusion, I
want a sense of unity again in my country. The kind of unity we had right after
the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, or the radical Islamic terrorist attack of
9/11. I want to see the streets lined again with the red, white and blue. And I
want us to revel in our diversity instead of being divided by it. In fact, I
long for it. I will pray for our new POTUS just as I did for the one still in
office today. I don't have all the answers. I'm sometimes wrong (like who will
be the next POTUS), and so are you, my friends. My challenge is for us to quit
boasting...and quit crying...and get back to living. Get out there and get on
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness!
Papa Chief
thanks you,nice man,great job!